In the video below youtube sensation Third Phase of the Moon throws out a few images from Google maps about a possible hidden ancient metropolis discovered below Iceland. He depicts lines that are similar to that of the ancient Nazca lines in Peru and claims this could be the markings of an ancient city now covered by layers of water and ice. Here is the breaking report…
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(NOTE- I do Not agree with ThirdPhaseOf the Moons Theory on UFO’s and Aliens)
Other theories about these underwater lines include the dragging and rolling of large icebergs on the bottom of the ocean floor, also dubbed Keel Scars or seabed ice gouging. Here is an image of a typical keel scar:
Other theories include sonar sweeps or seabed mapping which can leave ripples on the seafloor as shown in the images below:
Others claim it’s a google rendering issue. Here is an example:
The only problem I see is with all of this is the incredible imagery found on the ocean floor. Is it just a coincidence that this was caused simultaneously by sonar and seabed ice gouging on the ocean floor? Or is there something a little more “paranormal” going on? I guess the ultimate decision is yours…
Who are the Nephilim and Fallen Angels?
The masses have been trained to call the Fallen Angels of Genesis chapter six and their offspring the Nephilim, by another new name, “aliens.” These so called “aliens” have been involved with mankind since day one. They are not from another planet, rather they are inter-dimensional beings.
“The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God [fallen angels] came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.” Genesis 6:4
“When men began to multiply on the face of the Earth, and daughters were born to them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and took them wives of all which they chose.” Genesis 6:1-4
These ‘Sons of God’ (Ben Elohim or fallen angels) were known as the Watchers. The title ‘Watcher’ simply means ‘one who watches’, ‘those who watch’, ‘those who are awake’ or ‘those who do not sleep’. These titles reflect the unique relationship between the Watchers and the human race since ancient times.
These angelic beings were given the task by God to be earthly shepherds of humans. It was their job to watch over the human species and report back on their progress. However they were confined by the divine prime directive not to teach or become sexual active with humans. Regrettably, some of them, decided to ignore God’s command and eventually became known as the “Fallen Watcher Angels”.
Most of the information we have about these mysterious Fallen Watchers and their activities comes from the apocryphal Book of Enoch. But just who is Enoch? According to the Bible Enoch was a man who faithfully walked with God (Gen. 5:22). Enoch lived just prior to the flood of Noah and he did not keep silent about the corruption around him. The book of Jude says he prophesied about the evil on the earth:
“See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone, and to convict all of them of all the ungodly acts they have committed in their ungodliness, and of all the defiant words ungodly sinners have spoken against him.” Jude 1:14-15, NIV
Enoch was a faithful man who trusted and obeyed God and because of that he did not see death, for God took him…
“…then he was no more, because God took him away.” Genesis 5:24, NIV
It was during Enoch’s and Noah’s lifetime that the Fallen Watcher Angels were teaching, having sex, and corrupting men on the earth.
According to the Book of Enoch, two-hundred of the ‘fallen angels’ descended from the heavenly realm on to the summit of Mount Hermon and they were so smitten by the beauty of human women that they took the form of a human and had sex with them. Because of this sin, a race of half-angelic, half-human species sprang up (Genesis 6:4) in the land. An offspring so evil that they devoured the flesh of men and were giants on the land. A race known as the Nephilim.
The fallen angels taught their wives and children a assortment of new technological skills, magical knowledge, and occult wisdom.
Azazel the leader taught men how to make swords, shields, and breastplates and how to use metals. He also taught the women the art of jewelry making and make-up. Shemyaza, another fallen watcher angel, taught humans the use of root cuttings and the magical art of enchantment; Armaros taught the resolving of enchantments; Baraqijal taught astrology; Kokabiel taught astronomy; Chazaqiel taught about clouds and the sky ; Shamsiel the sun; Sariel the courses of the moon; Penemuel instructed humans in the art of writing and reading; and Kashdejan taught the diagnosis and healing of diseases and the science of medicine.
As a result of all this corruption, God sent a flood on the earth during the time of Noah and all of the Nephilim offspring were killed. According to the Book of Enoch the 200 fallen watcher angels were bound up for 70 generations.
Since then, there has been a resurgence of fallen watcher angels—more rebellions— and the 70 generation time frame expired in the 1900′s. These fallen angels are once again wreaking havoc on the Earth and having sexual relations with women forming their evil offspring the Nephilim.
Today they have infiltrated every branch of government and are calling the shots from behind closed doors; and although some deny their existence, their symbolism is very prevalent, and their name is very well known. No longer are the called the “fallen watcher angels”. But they hide under the TOP Ranks of the mysterious group known as the Illuminati!
These infamous beings are also found in the book of Revelation:
“The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. Then I saw three evil spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are spirits of demons performing miraculous signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty… Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.” Rev 16:12-19, 21
In this chapter the Bible speaks of three evil spirits that look like frogs, who go forth deceiving not only the kings, but the whole world. Note that these beings are not frogs, but they do resemble them. Meaning they have an amphibian or reptilian appearance and it further describes them as unclean spirits or demons. Therefore, I do believe it’s possible that John was talking about Fallen Angels and their offspring Nephilim when he wrote the book of Revelation. Just food for thought…
Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analysis and one of the top contributors on She is also author and runs her own youtube channel (Lisa Haven) with tens-of-thousands of views per day. Digging deep and finding truth is what she lives for. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. She covers everything from martial law, to FEMA camps, to end time bible prophecy, to government documents and much more! Before launching her journalism career, she wrote many bible studies and lead women ministries for a number of years. She will also complete her ministry degree at International School of Ministry this year.
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Fallen Angels Slot Machine Jackpots
Talk to Adventurer Balin in Prontera, listen to his story and accept to help him.
Talk to him again to create and enter Dark Society instance.
Once inside go forward towards a warp portal, click on it and you will be trapped.
Alot of dark acolytes and Dark Priest Cathelyn will show up, and Dark Acolyte Matthew will cast White Imprison on you.
They will continue to talk, and Dark Acolyte Brenda will reveal that she is the 'helpless daughter' Balin asked you to rescue.
Cathelyn then asks you if you wanted to enter and sends you inside with dark teleportation, and you end up in a cage.
You will have to wait for Dark Priest Jason and Dark Researcher James to do experiments on you, all the while asking you where your brother is, and where you have their spellbook.
Then Cathelyn comes in and tells them the person they think you are, you are not.
They are surprised, but in the end they will alter your body and turn you into a dark acolyte.
Congratulations, you are now a dark acolyte.
When you come to you are in 'your own room' inside the Dark Society, and Dark Priest Dr. Ruby will be there and explains a bit about what happened.
She then asks you to search 'your room' for gear, and then to look for Seth and talk to him.
Open the closet and chest and pick up your gear, then leave through the warp portal that is in your room and go search for Seth.
Once you find Seth he will explain in more details what happened to you and tells you the fog you breathed in altered your DNA.Your DNA has been corrupted by the magic of fallen angels, and that there is constant magic in the air. Your body absorbs some of that dark magic, and without your altered DNA you would die.
He will then ask you to introduce yourself to Vladimir, Hohenheim, Mayhem, Brodrig and Castielle.
Walk around and search for them, talk to them once you've found them.
Brodrig will tell you she is in charge of the assignments for dark acolytes, and then tells you you have come at the right time. Once you have finished your introductions, she will be ready for you.
Hohenheim is talking about his research never being finished, and how he is a genetic engineer, specializing in grafting and other genetic modifications.
Vladimir tells you he is the leader of the Dark Society, and explains what they do in here, that they conduct item and weaponry experiments, and that they currently are working on a theory of itemizing the powerful magic of fallen angels.He also tells you the leading researcher James specializes in magical bio-weaponry.
He then asks you to meet James when you're done with your introductions.
Castielle tells you she can create and enchant Fallen Angel Wings.
Mayhem tells you that they can have a use for people who didn't become dark acolytes in their research.
Then he tells you you have finished your introductions and that you should report to Brodrig.
Go back to Bodrig and she will tell you she has finished up on her things, and you will get some EXP.
Talk to her again and she will have a quest for you to kill 3 failed experiments in the Medical Unit.
Go look for the Medical Unit and kill those 3 failed experiments.
After you killed them your quest will update and it tells you to report back to Brodrig.
Go there and she will tell you that you might be of use to them.
Talk to her again and she will give you another quest.
You will now have to look for an elevator and through the hidden way and go to the Magic Forest and collect Magic Seeds.
You will be teleported to a pipe, so walk through it to the other side where there is a closet. Use that and you will end up in a room. Leave the room through the warp portal and you will now be in the Magic Forest.
Now you will have to walk around and find the Magic Seeds, which you will find at trees, so look carefully.
And sometimes while digging for the seeds, a Forest Fairy will spawn to protect it, kill the fairy and continue on.
Once you have collected all 10 your quest will update again and tells you once again to return to Brodrig.
Go back to the house you came from and enter it, go to the closet in the back of the room and teleport back into the pipe. Go through it and use the elevator.
Now go back to Brodrig and talk to her.
She will tell you you did a great job.
Talk to her again and she will give you a new quest.
She tells you she forgot they require Magical Water for the Seeds and asks you to go back to the Magic Forest and collect 5 buckets full of Magical Water.
Go back through the elevator which will offer 'James Laboratory' this time. Chose the option 'Pipe' and go through it once more to the closet and the room. Exit through the warp portal to the Magic Forest.
This time go all the way up and you will see a bucket and a well.
Click on the bucket then on the well. Now it will ask you to either tie a knot or drop the bucket.Chose tie a knot.
Then it will ask you to either untie the knot or drop the bucket.Chose drop the bucket.
It will now ask you to either pull the rope or drop the bucket.Chose pull the rope.
Now you can either be very lucky and get water directly or you will have to pull the rope several times. After pulling the rope alot of times, you will fill it one time if lucky.
If you are unlucky you will break your bucket and a Water Spirit will spawn, in that case kill it and do it all over.
Once you've filled all 5 buckets the quest will update and tell you to report back to Brodrig.
Now go there and she will tell you it was very nicely done, talk to her again and she tells you to go to Hohenheim and deliver the seeds.
Go to Hohenheim and he will tell you he has been waiting for them and give you EXP.
Then he will ask you to put them in to the Cultivation Machine above him.
Click on the machine and chose to enter the seeds.
Talk to Hohenheim again and he will tell you something isn't quite right and asks you to use the elevator and go to James Laboratory so do that.
You will end up in James Laboratory, so walk up to James and click on him.
He will ask you what you are doing here, tell him Hohenheim sent you.
He will then ask you what he wants, chose to explain the situation.
He will then talk about merging dark magic with the magical seeds and using a catalyst.
After he is done talking you will get a new quest that asks you to give him one of the seeds so do that.
He will walk away, so follow him.
The Fusion Machine at which he stand at will have a quest indicator so click on it.
It will do alot of weird stuff so just wait until it's done.
After everything is done James tells you he has to do some experiments and tells you to come back in 3 hours.
When you return after 3 hours James will ask you to go back to Hohenheim and report the good news so make your way back and talk to Hohenheim.
He tells you he can certainly use the new information he gained and that he will adjust the settings on the machine.Then tells you to use the machine again so go above him and use the Cultivation Machine once more.
It will issue a warning of intruders, and uses emergency protocol 6 and force evacuates you to Prontera.
You have finished Dark Society for now, congratulations. (More to come!) :)
About switching
All your informations are saved and stored seperately in a new SQL-table. Everything will be reverted when you leave the Magic Headquarter or relog. At that time all your quest information will be saved and will be loaded again when you enter once more.
Things that are stored: Hotkeys, Equipment positions, hairstyle, haircolor, cloth color, body style, all your skills, statpoints, skillpoints, allocated statpoints, current exp, needed exp for next lvl and so on.
Crafting Fallen Angel Wings
At Castielle inside Dark Society you can craft Fallen Angel Wings.Costs 1x Archangel Wing [1] + 5m zeny - chance 25%.
If you fail you will lose both wings and zeny.
Enchanting Fallen Angel Wings
The garment Fallen Angel Wing [1] (hereafter FAW) can be enchanted with a variety of enchantments by Castielle in the Dark Society instance. There is no fee for enchanting, however, resetting enchantments costs 1,000,000z. There is no chance to fail or break the wings.
The number of times a FAW can be enchanted depends on it's refine rate.
Refine Rate | Enchants possible |
+6 or lower | 1 |
+7 or +8 | 2 |
+9 or higher | 3 |
The player may choose the category for each enchant they receive. On the third slot, a more powerful enchant is possible, in addition to the enchants possible on the first two slots.
Enchant Options
Enchant Type | Enchants | 3rd slot (additional possible) enchant |
Fighting | Fighting Spirit 3~5 | Fighting Spirit 6 |
Magic | Spell 4~6 | Spell 7 |
Archer | Expert Archer 1~3 | Expert Archer 4 |
Critical | Fatal 1~3 | Fatal 4 |
Max HP | MaxHP +1~3% | MaxHP +4% |
Max SP | +25,50 or 75 sp | +100 sp |
ASPD | Delayafterattack 1~3 | +1 ASPD |
Str | Str +3~5 | Special Str |
Agi | Agi +2~4 | Special Agi |
Dex | Dex +3~5 | Special Dex |
Vit | Vit +3~5 | Special Vit |
Int | Int +3~5 | Special Int |
Luk | Luk +3~5 | Special Luk |
Please check the enchant descriptions page for the descriptions on each enchant.
Special Stat Enchant'Special' Stat enchants have the following effect:
+1 to (stat)
+3 to (stat) if refined to +8 (for total of +4)
Bonus if refined to +9
Str | Agi | Dex | Int | Vit | Luk |
+1% atk | +1% atk | +1% matk | +1%matk | +1% maxSP | +1% max HP |
+1 aspd, -7% fixed cast if refined to +12